Category: 当代文学



(中国驻保加利亚大使馆文化参赞 尹亚利)



《红楼梦》之所以伟大,首先是因为它具有丰富的思想文化内涵。《红楼梦》通过四大家族兴衰的历史表现了中国封建社会盛极而衰的历史演变,反应了中国封建社会的物质文化、制度文化和精神文化的基本内容,被誉为中国封建社会的“百科全书”。正如新中国的创始者毛泽东Read on | Още | 继续读

Романът «Жаба» на Мо Йен

Тотем и реалност

образът на китайската жаба в романа «Жаба» на Мо Йен, носител на Нобеловата награда за литература

Проф. ЧЪН ИН (Пекински университет за чужди езици

Китайският писател Мо Йен получава Нобелова награда за литература през 2012 г. за романа си «Жаба». В рецензията на журито на Шведската кралска академия методът на писателя се характеризира к… Read on | Още | 继续读

无尽沧桑 《生死疲劳》 · 译者笔记





© 2014—2015 Lettera 出版社,漢保翻譯:韓裴。顧問:肖麗




如果要我簡潔地陳述《生死疲勞》的內容,我想把它稱為:一部跨越了五十年的家… Read on | Още | 继续读

When Dealing With Bulgarians | 如何与保加利亚人打交道

When Dealing With Bulgarians


Author: Professor Kiril Todorov (About him)

About the book:

Full Title: When Dealing With Bulgarians. What Foreigners Need to Know

Dear Reader,

Most tourists (and especially those who visit Bulgaria for the first time) are little or not at all prepared for that first meeting. They have probably read internet guid… Read on | Още | 继续读

Civilization from the Time before the Great Flood to Present Day

About the Author

My name is Stefan Alexandrov and I was born in 1946 in Bulgaria. I have a degree in Bulgarian Philology, Defectology and Speech-Language Pathology. I have worked in the sphere of education as a teacher and as a school principal. I have also worked in the sphere of culture as an inspector.

In 1990 I travelled to Canada and lived there for 20 years. … Read on | Още | 继续读

Light from the East by Nataliya Boyadzhiyeva

Nataliya Boyadzhieva was born on the 15 of April, 1960 in Varna.

She graduated from Shoumen University «Konstantin Preslavski» with two specialities, Bulgarian and Russian philology. She works as a teacher of Bulgarian language and as a self-employed journalist. Member of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists. Translates from Russian, Polish, English a… Read on | Още | 继续读

«Christian Stories» by Deyan Enev

A Short Film After Deyan Enev’s Short Story «Salty and Sweet»:

The story of a father and his young son placed in an unusual situation. They find themselves alone at Christmas Eve and have to celebrate without their wife and mother. Both they try to rediscover hope and the path to each other. Pushed to the wall, mixed up and filled with contradictions, the man wil

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The Spring of the Emigrants 2: Morpho


Kalin Iliev Begins with The Squalor Around Us and Comes Up with a Magic Butterfly, Which Hovers Over the Storyline

As in his first novel, “The Spring of the Emigrants,” its sequel— “The Spring of the Emigrants: Morpho,” — too, was published in a dark time for our country Bulgaria, in a tangled political situation. At first glance, the Read on | Още | 继续读


The Spring of the Emigrants by Kalin Iliev | 长篇小说 《侨民的春天》


故事发生在当代,虚构国家奴隶亚(意译:零国)的人民被置于一贫如洗的困境和绝望之中,全国充斥着高压专制、敲诈勒索、恐怖战栗的行径。各个氏族之间争取霸权,不断发生暴力冲突。政府中的几位主角-“大酋长”、”乌喙”、”野猪”、”小丑”、”耗子”等沉迷于钱财、杀戮与情色,并由称之为”禽兽之影”的Read on | Още | 继续读